Grr.... I finally manage to sneak enough time out of my schedule to check the boards and they have been Hacked!!! The bar for the most part is:Quote: Unknown...
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stephensmat2 wrote: I am ready to strangle fanfiction.net May I hold your jacket for you, sir? friggin' login service....
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1) Statistics class 2) Tendinitis+Piano Class+job involving hand sewing I don't know which is the bigger pain.
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My computer had to be re-imaged yet again yesterday! Am I ever grateful that I keep all my data on an external drive and my configuration backed up!
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Man... mine's nothing compared to that. I personally have nothing against rain.... unless it tries to make up for a whole year's drought in 2-3 days!
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I hear that- http://katfairy.livejournal.com/27594.html For my own rant- I have two major group projects due this week, and the work periods are scheduled opposite each other. When I pointed out that...
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I'm not a stressful person: I don't stress out for exams, I work best when approaching a deadline, etc. But when the so-called stressful thing has passed and I can spend some time on myself, I break...
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My grandfather died over the Easter weekend. It did not come as any great shock. After my grandmother died, a little over a year ago, we all knew it was coming. There's never any good to come from an...
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Oh, no! Kessie, Stephen, both of you please accept my condolences for your loss.
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stephensmat, Kessie--my condolences for your loss. Don't worry about what's going on over here and focus on yourselves and your loved ones. My thoughts, and those of many other people here, I'm sure,...
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Kessie. When someone you loves dies, the people around you who care are quick to rally. In the case of my family, they all said 'If there's anything I can do...' and they all meant it, and there were...
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I had a plan, that's all I'm saying. Unfortunately, the work day was hijacked, and since Friday is usually monopolized my an extremely high maintenance individual, everything I had planned for today -...
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Love to commiserate Chris, but right now, I'm on my way to the fourth act of necessary inescapable annoyance that has filled my week. While technically the week may end tomorrow, my own personal well...
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Didnt anyone ever tell you that no plan EVER survives contact with the Enemy (in this case that rather needy individual) Chris? not to worry TOO much. We'll still be waiting to read the new Deamon...
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The first necessary condition in order to successfully help anyone is that the target be willing to be helped. I've known this for years, but I may have to write it out fifty times in one of my spare...
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If there is anything more aggravating than a whiny little priss that has to be the sickest, achiest and most weighed down by misfortune, I'd like to know what it is, and I'd like to send it over to...
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